Sunday, 1 December 2013

Foley sound

To create the Foley sounds for this animation we started off by watching the footage with no sound and writing down what sounds would complement each thing in the video. After we made the list of what sounds we wanted we wrote next to it what we could use to create a similar sound. 
Once we thought of what it was weather it was ripping paper or screaming we went to a quiet room and recorded all of the SFX. To help with how long to record for we watch the animation at the same time to make sure it would fit with the actions. 
In editing we were able to have layers of sounds so that more than one sound was happening at each time for example the sound of wind is played throughout all of it so there is no silence in it also to create the effect of the room being empty and quiet at night. 
Overall  think it worked well, I would have liked to have seen what it would have looked like once it was all finished, therefore we could have managed our time better so we had enough time to complete it. With the SFX of the wind in the background you can hear where the track is repeated, there is a slight pause between the ending of one and the start of the next. 

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