Sunday 1 December 2013

Copyright Statement

In UK law and the majority of other countries, a copyright statement is not formally required. However when using a valid copyright statement you need to include these 3 things:
  1. The copyright symbol  - ©
  2. The copyright holder's name
  3. The date of first publication

Other information such as phone numbers, addresses, website addresses etc can be used.

It started in the UK in the year 1710, with the Statute of Anne. The current copyright law in the UK is found in the 1988 Act as amended.  Most of this came in on 1st August 1989 and teh rest were brought into force in 1990 and 1991. There have been various amendments to the orginal statute, mostly originating from European Union directives.

The rules of copyright are allowed to be overlooked when for educational and news purposes for judgement.

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