Monday 25 November 2013

Name: Ruby Hornsey

Production: Nikon advert

Soundtrack Plan


What it should sound like
Explain where and when you will use it in your animation
Explain specifically where or how you will source the sound

Music- Porch Swing Days- faster

An uplifting flowing melody using guitars, bass, kit and percussion. It creates a light and air free attitude towards life.
Bright, relaxing, calming and inspiring.

The music will be used throughout the whole advert to produce an uplifting atmosphere and make the audience feel
I’m getting it from ‘royalty free’ online.

SFX of pages turning

The SFX of a page turning in a book.
This SFX will be used every time the pages are turned in my advert.
I will pre record this sound and use this Foley sound.

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