Monday 7 October 2013

Animators of Stop Motion

Animators of Stop Motion




Joseph Plateau-

  • His dad wanted him to become an artist.
  • Plateau was a professor at the university of Ghent in 1844.
  • He started the idea of animation film.
  • The first one to find illusion of movement.
  • Micheal Farday was his inspiration.

William Horner- 

  • Born in 1786.
  • At the age of 14 was the assistant headmaster at a school in Bristol.
  • 4 years after (age 18) became headmaster.
  • He later founded a school in Bath.
  • In 1834 he invented the Zoetrope.

 Charles-Emile Reynaud-

  • Reynaud was a professor in natural science.
  • He was home schooled, and his mum taught him to draw and paint.
  • He invented the Pratinascope. 
  • He created the first animated cartoon 'Pauvre Pirrot'.

Eadweard Muybridge Edison- 

  • Was born in Kingston.
  • Became a photographer.
  • Edison was known for motion and in- motion pictures.
  • He was the first animator to do animal locomotion.
  • Proved the theory that at one point a horse has all feet off the ground when running.
  • On 1879 he created the Zoopraxiscope.

The Lumiere Brothers-

  • Their dad was a painter. 
  • One was born 19th October 1862, the other born 5th October 1864.
  • They were most popular in 1895.
  • Known as the 'fathers of film making'.
  • They created films about everyday life.

George Pal-

  • Born February 1st 1908.
  • Made Puppetoons. 
  • He studied at Budapest Academy of art.
  • He immigrated to America and worked at Paramount Pics.
  • In 1950 he worked on 'Destination Moon' and was awarded an oscar for his work.
  • Overall he won 6 Oscars.
  • Most famous for 'Time Machine' 1960. 

Ray Harryhausen-

  • He liked fantasy.
  • His mum and dad encouraged him to follow his dream.
  • He studied at LACC.
  • Learnt how to make models.
  • King Kong inspired him to become an animator.
  • In his work he replicated King Kong moments.
  • He inspired directors such as Steven Speilberg.

Jan Svankmajer-

  • Born in 1934, Prague.
  • Studied applied arts 1950-1954.
  • He inspired Graeme Harper.
  • His style was very surreal.
  • Had an impact on people such as the directors of Saw and Cabin in the Woods.

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